Elevate Your Video Strategy with a Platform Designed for Publishers

October 31, 2023 - by
Elevate your video strategy

Video has become an indispensable tool for digital publishers seeking to captivate their audience and maximize revenue streams. With the exponential growth of online video consumption, it's crucial for publishers to stay ahead of the curve and deliver an exceptional video experience. However, many publishers are still using multiple vendors and point-solutions for each of their video needs, rather than consolidating their video strategy into a single platform that can supercharge their site’s performance both in terms of user engagement and revenue.

A Holistic Video Strategy

Gone are the days when video content was merely a side feature to engage audiences. Publishers are beginning to understand that video is central to delivering a dynamic and immersive user experience, and that achieving full video coverage is essential for success. However, managing video content, video monetization, hosting, transcoding, playlists, and players across multiple platforms and using different vendors can be expensive, daunting, and time-consuming. It also means that you’re not making the most out of your video because there is no clear video strategy. Streamlining your video needs and processes through a unified platform for content curation, hosting, distribution, analysis, and monetization enables publishers to take ownership of their full user experience and, perhaps even more importantly, of their bottom line. 

An OVP for Publishers

The key to a successful video strategy lies in having access to a one-stop-shop OVP (online video platform). Traditionally, OVPs are massive technologies that laid the groundwork for the internet’s video infrastructure. These “legacy OVPs” power a large portion of digital video, including broadcasting and streaming companies, and are not necessarily focused on the digital publishing industry. Platforms designed specifically for publishers offer a seamless, easy-to-use platform with all the features needed for video curation, hosting, and playing - while also offering publisher-first monetization capabilities. If done right, video can easily become a publisher’s single largest P&L line item, so it’s no wonder publishers are leaning away from the legacy OVPs, which only offer primitive monetization technology and a huge out-of-pocket SaaS cost. 

Enhanced User Engagement

One of the keys to a strong video strategy is curating and serving content that resonates with your audience. With the right platform, publishers can transform passive viewers into active participants, leading to longer dwell time and increased engagement metrics. With AI-based technology for contextual content recommendations, users are presented with videos that align with their preferences and interests - all at scale, without needing to manually embed the right video for the right article, which could take hundreds of hours. This personalized approach not only keeps users engaged but also encourages them to explore more of your content, driving up page views and time spent on your site.

Monetization Made Seamless

While engagement is vital, publishers also need to monetize effectively. Most online video platforms either offer very limited monetization capabilities or none at all. But a video platform tailored specifically for publishers incorporates yield technology within the player and empowers publishers to control the revenue aspects of their video strategy right in the same platform. You can upload your video content, create playlists, and control auction floor prices and demand sources - all in one place. 

Advanced analytics tools can provide valuable insights into both revenue performance and content performance, allowing publishers to refine their video strategy for maximum success. 

Simplified Workflow

Managing video content across various platforms can be overwhelming, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. A single publisher video platform simplifies this process by centralizing all aspects of your video strategy onto one user-friendly platform. 

Furthermore, advanced APIs and integration capabilities ensure that this centralized workflow can become an organic part of your existing Content Management System (CMS) and data platforms, which not only saves time but also enhances consistency for all the relevant publisher teams.

EX.CO - The Publisher Video Platform

It may sound unrealistic - but here’s the good news: EX.CO offers an OVP designed for publishers. In an era where video reigns supreme, publishers need a comprehensive solution that not only elevates user engagement but also maximizes revenue. EX.CO’s publisher video platform emerges to manage a holistic video strategy, offering a seamless and efficient way to manage, distribute, and monetize video content. By consolidating your video strategy onto EX.CO’s video platform, you can unlock the full potential of your content and pave the way for a more engaging and lucrative digital presence. 

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