Decoding Ad Tech Acronyms: A Guide to Must-Know Digital Advertising Jargon

Decoding Ad Tech Acronyms: A Guide to Must-Know Digital Advertising Jargon

May 08, 2024

Ad tech jargon: digital advertising acronyms explained; glossary of ad tech terms: CPM, CTR, CTV, DMP, DSP, PII, PMP, ROAS, ROI, RPM, RTB, SSP. It’s no secret that the world of ad tech uses an entirely different language, with terms like DSP, SSP, DMP, and many more mind-boggling acronyms. Technically speaking, these terms are actually initialisms – terms identified strictly by their first letter like DNA or DIY –while acronyms are...

Navigating the future of video advertising without Google’s third-party cookies

Navigating the future of video advertising without Google’s third-party cookies

February 12, 2024

Learn how video publishers can thrive without third-party cookies and the new, privacy-friendly paths to addressability for advertisers. Are we finally at the beginning of the end? The drawn-out death of third-party cookies has been looming over publishers since 2020 when Google first announced its plan to phase out support for them on Chrome. Now, Google has at last taken the first bite, eliminating cookies from 1% of Chrome...

EX.CO Empowers Local Media With Video, Thanks to Partnership with the Local Media Consortium (LMC)

EX.CO Empowers Local Media With Video, Thanks to Partnership with the Local Media Consortium (LMC)

January 31, 2024

Learn more about EX.CO's mission to support local journalism and its game-changing alliance with the Local Media Consortium (LMC).  Despite reports raising questions about the future of local news, local digital news is rapidly evolving. In fact, nearly 300 new digital local news organizations have started since 2016. And as the leading publisher video technology platform, supporting local journalism is an extremely important...

Beyond Clicks: Reducing Carbon Emissions for a More Sustainable Advertising Ecosystem

Beyond Clicks: Reducing Carbon Emissions for a More Sustainable Advertising Ecosystem

January 24, 2024

Learn about the impact of digital ads on the environment, the challenges in offsetting carbon footprints, and actionable steps to reduce carbon emissions. In recent years, the digital advertising industry has taken significant strides towards sustainability, acknowledging the pressing need to address its environmental impact. At first glance, the issue may sound confusing and you may wonder, what on Earth does saving the planet have to do with...

Let’s Go Vertical: Introducing EX.CO’s New Vertical Video Player for the Web

Let’s Go Vertical: Introducing EX.CO’s New Vertical Video Player for the Web

January 09, 2024

EX.CO’s new vertical video player for the web is positioned to redefine the way audiences consume and engage with video content on publishers’ owned and operated sites. It’s not often that we get to share product news that we know will transform the way video is consumed online. That’s why we’re so excited about this blog post. In a world dominated by social media, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the engagement game. As such, we’re thrilled to...

9 Digital Publishing Trends to Look Out for in 2024

9 Digital Publishing Trends to Look Out for in 2024

December 14, 2023

Find out what we predict will be the most significant trends set to shape digital publishing for the coming year and beyond. Some fields are resistant to change; digital publishing is defined by it. With each passing year, it seems, the latest batch of common wisdom is chucked out the window and the rulebook written anew. This tendency felt somewhat less pronounced in 2023, which was in certain respects a transition...

The Top 10 Online Video Platforms of 2023

The Top 10 Online Video Platforms of 2023

December 06, 2023

Learn which online video platforms (OVPs) will work best for your specific needs and goals. Opportunities abound in online video today. But with dozens of platforms on the market, it can be daunting to navigate this space. Whether you’re a publisher, broadcaster, educator, or independent creator, this blog post rounds up the top partners you should consider for each use case, so you can...

Why 100% Video Coverage is a Game Changer for Publishers

Why 100% Video Coverage is a Game Changer for Publishers

August 03, 2023

Learn what 100% video coverage means and why it's so important for digital publishers to achieve. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, video content has become an unmatched force. Users are consuming it more than any other media, and advertisers are spending increasing budgets on video ads, year over year. But despite its evident value, namely the enhanced user engagement, ad revenue, and...

What the New IAB Tech Lab Guidelines Mean for Publishers

What the New IAB Tech Lab Guidelines Mean for Publishers

July 13, 2023

Here's everything you need to know about the new IAB Tech Lab guidelines—and what publishers should expect. Last year, the IAB Tech Lab announced proposed changes to its Ad Formats Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV. The guidelines were officially published in September of 2022 which kicked off a workstream for OpenRTB (the communication protocol that enables real-time bidding) to support the new...

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