October 31, 2024
Discover the benefits for publishers of prioritizing on-site video over social media distribution. Over the past 15 years, the goal for publishers has largely been to go viral on social media. The website experience was often deprioritized: instead of a loyal audience typing in your URL multiple times a day, potentially millions of readers would encounter individual stories through social media...
October 17, 2024
Understand why context and personalization matter in digital publishing and the benefits of contextual video recommendations for publishers. In just five minutes of tapping and scrolling, the average smartphone user will come face-to-face with dozens of entities vying for their attention: brands, content creators, influencers, personal friends, and, of course, publishers. Everyone, in 2024, is fighting for a slice of the attentional...
October 09, 2024
Learn how malvertising harms your ads and discover how EX.CO helps protect your demand from this growing cyber threat. What is malvertising? Malvertising, or malicious advertising, is a new type of cyberattack that injects harmful code into digital ads. This problem is becoming more and more common, with Confiant reporting that about 1 in 100 ads contains harmful code. As a result, it poses an increasing challenge...
September 30, 2024
EX.CO's recent Women in Media Breakfast attendees tell us what career advice they would give to their younger selves. It’s hard to believe that in 2024, events exclusively for women (outside of baby or wedding showers) are still so rare. That’s why I’m incredibly proud to have organized EX.CO’s Women in Media Breakfast event again, alongside our partners at Index Exchange. The media, advertising, and technology...
September 24, 2024
Discover EX.CO's suite of accessible features that ensures an inclusive experience for all users. Let’s be clear: making your videos accessible for people with disabilities isn’t just an option—it’s a fundamental requirement in today’s digital age. Video content is a key part of our digital lives, from live streaming on platforms like TikTok and Snapchat to engaging with news on various...
September 09, 2024
Grupo El Progreso knew their audiences loved consuming video but they struggled with how to monetize the content. Learn how they drove revenue and dwell time via video with EX․CO. Grupo El Progreso is an institution in the world of Galician journalism. Its portfolio contains such venerable publications as El Progreso, Diario de Pontevedra, and De luns a venres—all of them known for their in-depth journalism and their deep insights across a wide variety of verticals, ranging...
August 20, 2024
Discover how our video recommendation engine transforms content delivery with real-time, relevant video matches, boosting engagement and experiences. In today's world, publishers aim to share the best content with the widest audience possible. It's no secret that it’s all about sending the right message to the right audience at the right time. In fact, there's a delicate balance here—trying to align reach, relevance, and measurement to make...
July 08, 2024
Learn about EX․CO's platform updates, including enhanced playlist, player, reporting, and media management features. Summer has finally arrived, and besides the wonderful weather and sun to warm us up, we're also excited to announce a bunch of new exciting product updates and enhancements to EX.CO’s online video platform (OVP). Our team has been working hard to deliver a set of improvements to our playlist,...
June 12, 2024
Executives from The Daily Beast and Advance Local discuss news monetization during a politically charged year at AdMonsters Ops 2024 in New York City. At the start of this year, the outlook for publishers was fairly bleak. GenAI was biting into valuable search business; Google was finally beginning its deprecation of third-party cookies; and the big social platforms were continuing their turn away from news. As it happened, an unlikely savior has...